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Pedialyte is a popular electrolyte drink that can help prevent or reverse dehydration. It’s effective for children and adults, but what about babies? Is Pedialyte safe for an older baby? For example, how much Pedialyte should a 6-month-old have?
The answer isn’t always clear-cut, so it’s important to seek medical advice from medical professionals. However, we did some research into that for you, so that you can consider your options.
Infants And Pedialyte
Pedialyte can be used on babies, but you should consult your physician first if you want a professional opinion.
Pedialyte is not a substitute for a meal. It is important to continue to give your baby breast milk or formula as usual and also to offer solids during meal times. When giving your 6-month-old Pedialyte, they need to ingest both food and liquids for proper hydration.
Pedialyte has different guidelines for when and how much you should give your baby, depending on their age.
With that said, let’s check out some basic information concerning Pedialyte and your baby.
Let’s take a look at some basics of this popular electrolyte beverage to better understand how it works for babies.
Weight And Dosage
When considering how much to give a baby, the dosages are based on weight and age. Once your child is one year old, you can safely follow instructions on the Pedialyte bottle. When it comes to baby dosages it is purely a matter of their weight.
Pediatricians recommend various dosing amounts per hour depending on their weight:
- At 10 pounds, it’s safe for a baby to ingest 4 Tbsp (2 oz.) of Pedialyte every hour.
- By 15 pounds, babies can ingest 6 Tbsp (2-1/2 oz.) of Pedialyte per hour.
- A 20-pound-baby may comfortably take in ½ of a large glass (3-1/2 oz.) of Pedialyte hourly.
- By 40 pounds, your baby may handle a large glass (6-1/2 oz.) on the hour.
- At 60 pounds, a baby should have at minimum 1-1/2 of a large glass (10 oz.) every hour.
When you examine these recommendations alongside your baby’s weight, you should have a better idea of how much Pedialyte is safe for them.
According to baby growth charts, a six-month-old should weigh between 14-18 pounds. . This allows you to give around 6 Tbsp or 2 – 1/2 oz. of Pedialyte every hour.
One of the most important things is that the baby is actually keeping fluid down. If not, it may be best to offer one teaspoon every hour and gradually increase this dosage.
When Do Infants Need Pedialyte?
Pedialyte is not a substitute for formula or breast milk in babies 6 months and older. Do not substitute these fluids for Pedialyte, as this could lead to further dehydration and tummy issues.
With that said, Pedialyte should only be used as a preventative for dehydration to reduce the chance of hospitalization.
Pediatricians recommend giving babies this liquid as soon as they start vomiting or have diarrhea.
See also: Glass vs Plastic vs Silicone Baby Bottles
Baby Dehydration – Signs To Look For
Your child may not be showing any of the signs, but they could already have been dehydrated. That’s why it is important to get Pedialyte before your baby gets worse and starts exhibiting some symptoms.
While you can start on Pedialyte if your little one has experienced diarrhea or vomiting to prevent them from becoming more severely dehydrated, what should you do when this doesn’t seem likely? There are other indicators that dehydration might still happen like dry mouth or crying with hunger even though fed recently–especially after a bout of feverishness; so make sure someone takes note of these things right away!
Thankfully, there are additional signs of dehydration from the American Academy of Pediatrics you should keep an eye out for.
Activity Level
One of the easiest ways to tell if your baby is dehydrated is if he’s feeling lethargic.
You will probably find by 6 months old that your baby is becoming more active. They might sit up, roll over from their back to their belly, and vice versa, and they are even trying to communicate with you through babbling.
When you notice that your baby is less active, or isn’t acting like himself it’s best to call your pediatrician for advice. Dehydration can be a major contributor to lethargy. Without proper hydration, our energy levels can rapidly deplete.
Urination And Bowel Movements
If your baby isn’t getting in the right amount of fluids the number of soiled diapers will decrease.
Your 6-month-old baby has a significantly larger bladder than when the baby was firstborn. So it’s normal to see a reduction in wet diapers. However, they still should be wetting a diaper about every four to six hours.
If you have noticed that they still have a dry diaper after this timeframe, then you should offer Pedilytle to prevent dehydration.
As well, monitor their bowel movements. There’s already a difference between formula-fed babies and breastfed babies as the latter usually have a more solid stool.
Beyond that, if your baby’s stool is water or too frequent, those are clear signs of diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration if not treated. If that’s not the case, the stool might be too hard or too dry. On the other hand, if your baby’s stool is hard or dry and they are having a difficult time passing the bowel movement, this is also a sign that your baby might be dehydrated.
Physical Characteristics
Noticeable changes in your baby’s features could also indicate dehydration. One of those is a dry mouth. If their lips or mouth appear dry, they may not have liquid to produce saliva.
Also, take a look at their face and head. At six months old, babies should still have a soft spot on the top of their heads. Check to see whether the soft spot has sunken in and examine their eyes to see they have sunken in. These are signs doctors look out for when checking for dehydration.
Severe Symptoms
With dehydration, it is important to watch for more severe symptoms. This includes sunken eyes, fussiness that does not subside, and despite the room temperature, wrinkled or discolored skin as well as a cold baby’s hands or feet.
Pedialyte may not work on any of these, and instead, you should call your doctor.
Final Thoughts
Pedialyte is a great way to treat and prevent dehydration in babies, but only administer the correct dosage for the baby’s weight range.
At six months old, your baby can generally tolerate up to six tablespoons of Pedialyte per hour.
Parents should keep an eye out for other symptoms of dehydration in their children, as well as any severe symptoms that may indicate a larger medical problem. We recommend checking with a pediatrician before giving a baby of any age Pedialyte.
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Medical Disclaimer. All content and media on the NursingMammy Website are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
Have you given your baby Pedialyte? If so, did it help?
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