About Us

MimiHello, I’m Mimi. I am a wife and a mother of two kids (one girl and one boy) under five years, and a mom blogger. I know one of the challenges we face as moms are breastfeeding or nursing our little ones. I exclusively breastfeed all my children, and I can say for sure, nursing is not easy. That is why I started this website to share my experience and useful tips that made my entire breastfeeding journey more comfortable.

I started Nursingmammy.com with nursing moms in mind. We, nursing moms, go through a lot of challenges finding the right information about breastfeeding. We also face a difficult time finding information about the various products we need to ease nursing.

At www.nursingmammy.com,  I strive to provide adequate information about breastfeeding and review various products that we need, such as the best bottles for babies and how to warm breast milk, among others. Other than nursing information and related products, I also provide informative content and reviews about other products that make motherhood easier at home or when traveling.

Nursingmammy.com is unusual in that the products I review are not necessarily expensive; instead, they are unique and give you the best value for your money. Also, they are not products that you buy, and they stay packed somewhere in your house. They are must-have products for every nursing mammy.

I promise to continue giving you new and informative content as frequently as possible so that you get nothing but the best of whatever you are looking to purchase. In case you have any questions or concerns, you can reach us by sending a message through my contact page.